Friday, May 4, 2012

In a Good Place . . . um, Mostly

I feel like I'm doing pretty good.

I haven't had one pesky "if only I were prettier" thought in at least a week.  (Woo hoo, new record!) :-P

Despite the 'pretty good' state of things, I've been near tears repeatedly this week.  Not over big, important, life-effecting stuff.  But over super, super lame stuff.  

When my pediatrician mentioned my four month old had taken a nose dive on the charts, but looked perfectly happy and healthy and thriving.  I started tearing up the entire drive home about my shrimpy baby.  (Every single one of my babies has plummeted on the charts by 6 months old, so this shouldn't have been surprising or upsetting.) 

When my husband called to say he'd be home late on Tuesday.  I got off the phone and almost started crying.  Not 'cause I was worried about him or porn or anything -- but 'cause it threw off dinner coming together at the right time.

My hair wasn't working how I'd wanted it to.  Um, tears.  That's just embarrassing.

My almost-four year old poops her pants not once, but TWICE today, cause she's having so much fun outside running through sprinklers and riding bikes that she can't seem to remember to come inside before it's just a little too late.  Not only did I handle it horribly ('cause shaming people for their behaviors works oh-so-well), but we both ended up in tears over it.

Then this afternoon I was looking on Amazon at a recommended book about sexual addictions, and it sounded really interesting.  Not wanting to spend another $10 on random addiction related books/CDs/etc., I pulled up the local library website to check it out, only to find they didn't have it.  I dissolved into tears.  Full on tears rolling down my face.  Pathetic gaspy quiet sobs.  Over a book.  Classic.

Just in case I didn't remember I had some healing to do of my own.  God just likes to make sure I stay humble :-)

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