Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I would be lying if I said I don't think about J's pornography addiction multiple times a day.

But, it hasn't been ever present lately.  I think about it, in passing, but mostly life has been busy and full and good, and I haven't had the time or effort to put in to thinking about addiction.  (Of course, I say that now, and tomorrow I'm gonna be writing about some major blow up or slip up or set back, right?!)

I think I'm making progress.  Or I'm just busy.  I'm not sure.

I did have a couple things 'trigger' some pretty emotional reactions on my part.  (A hasty decision on J's part that cost us a ton of money, and I was angry I hadn't been consulted first -- on one hand, he was just trying to get a project done because he knew how much it was stressing me out, on the other hand, I don't like to be reminded of times where he's made decisions without consulting me because he thinks he knows best (oh, I don't know, something like, "I won't tell HX about this pesky slip up, it's for her own good, she'd just be sad.")  But, they brought about good conversations where we both walked away with a better understanding of where the other person is coming from, and what our expectations in marriage and in each other are.  We are making real progress in our relationship, and on our own. I've got to be a part of two online meetings now, which I've enjoyed (even with the audio problems last time) :-), and J is starting to make more connections in SA -- even staying 30 minutes afterwards hanging out and talking. 

For the most part, it's been a nice little reprieve from the larger drama that this addiction brings in to our lives.  Let's hope it lasts for awhile . . . :-)


  1. I'm so glad life feels normal and good again! Thanks for sharing when times are good. I think we are more prone to write when life is in crises, so sometimes this crazy world of addiction and our reactions seems worse than it has to be. I hope to see you on Thursday!

  2. I had some pretty bad reactions to triggers too in the beginning. In fact in the beginning I couldn't even read other ladies blogs about this topic because THAT was a trigger (let alone write one). Keep working on your own personal recovery. It will just continue to get better as you do!

  3. This is wonderful! I'm so happy for you. It's the summer of change....i feel it in the wind!

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